Hindustani Education Society’s

Afsar Nagar, Ujani Road, Ausa. Dist. Latur- 413520 (M.S.)

Accredited with B+ Grade (CGPA 2.73 in III Cycle) by NAAC

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.

About Founder

Founder of Hindustani Education Society, Ausa

The educational trust, Hindustani Education Society, was established in 1978 by Hon. Late Mr. Nawaboddin Bashamiya. Shaikh with a strong mission of education. He was an ideal teacher and so knew the needs of the society and specially the needs of the poor students living in villages. He was a man of vision and principles. He wanted to spread the education to the poorest class of the society. He always used to say that education should change the society. If it doesn’t then it is useless. He thought that the existing education system is unable to fulfil all the dreams of the students. He always considered students at the centre of the education system. He had established many educational institutions from KG to PG. He believed that education can make the students to stand on their own legs and offer various opportunities. Hence, he decided to start different streams of vocational education such as ITI, Polytechnic, Pharmacy, MCVC College, D.Ed., B.Ed., and M.Ed. to offer his students various opportunities in building their careers. The main aim was to provide the society the education with a vision in action for minority and rural transformation. He considered that education must have the potentials to transform the minority classes which are suffering much backwardness both social and economic. It must also back up our villages then only India will be called as the super power in 21st century.