Hindustani Education Society’s

Afsar Nagar, Ujani Road, Ausa. Dist. Latur- 413520 (M.S.)

Accredited with B+ Grade (CGPA 2.73 in III Cycle) by NAAC

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.

Computer Science

Computer Science Department


The DepartmentofComputerScience

Everyone should learn how to code; it teaches you how to THINK.

-Steve Jobs


The department of Computer science was established in the year of 1991. Now it is one of the most prominent departments in the faculty of Science. The students from rural background were provided the opportunity to pursue their higher studies in computers. The department of Computer science is dynamically involved in the process of teaching, learning and evaluation since its establishment. It has been always determined to increase the level of quality education in computers and Information and Technology. It believes in high performance and quality standards in pursuing the higher education and often forwarded its steps in this regard.

Computer science is the study of computers, including computational theory, hardware and software design, algorithms, and the way humans interact with technology. Principal areas of study within Computer Science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing. Graduates of Azad Mahavidyalaya, Ausa. Computer Science Department are lifetime learners; they are able to adapt quickly with this challenging field. The department offers UG programs. So far, the maximum number of students has completed their B.Sc. degree offering Computer Science at graduation level in the college.The Department has a spacious, air-conditioned computer laboratory. They are equipped with computers of the latest configuration, networked to high end servers in the server room. All systems provide access to high end software and are Wi-fi enabled, providing access to theInternet which can be extended. The labs are equipped with a projector to aid the learning process. A well-managed system is used to provide uninterrupted working environment to the students.To succeed in life, one needs to be ambitious and goal oriented for this determination and dedication is perquisite which is inculcated in student through classroom teaching and other progression activities.


  • Provide learner-centric academic and personal enrichment opportunities.
  • Impart skills which can translate into practical applications for the industry.
  • Provide learner-centric academic and personal enrichment opportunities.
  • Empowerment to pursue their goals.
  • Inculcating analytical attitude and scientific temperament.
  • Endeavoring to find solutions that will benefit society as a whole.
  • Positive role modeling in order to create responsible citizens.

Courses with Syllabus

The Department of Computer Scienceoffers the students Computer Science as optional course for fulfillment of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

S.N. Name of the class Year Syllabus
1. B.Sc.  F.Y. 2019-20 http//
2. B.Sc.  S.Y. 2015-16 http//
3. B.Sc. T.Y. 2016-17 http//


The students’ performance is evaluated by

  • Classroom interaction
  • Unit tests
  • Project works
  • Tutorials
  • Class seminars
  • Group discussions
  • Departmental oral exams
  • Practical performances


  • Question paper bank for the help of students in preparing for the e aminations
  • Digital classrooms are used to better understand various topics.
  • Internet facility is provided for faculty and students
  • Senior students are encouraged to teach junior students.
  • Teachers’ work is evaluated by the students and by the HOD.


  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Class seminars
  • Internet access is provided to staff and students
  • Guest lectures
  • Annual teaching plan
  • Daily teaching plan prepared by teacher

Our mission is to prepare students for careers as software professionals and for advanced studies in Computer Science. We develop and work with a range of technologies to build systems and applications that help solve today’s problems, and share skills and knowledge with the community.We are committed to providing the opportunity to master the computer science discipline to students from all backgrounds. Our program combines strong fundamentals, project- and team- oriented activities, as well as soft skills, leading to a well-rounded professional education.

Facilities Available:

  1. Well-equipped Laboratory
  2. Internet Facility
  3. Adequate Study Material
  4. Practical Demonstrations
  5. Competitive Exam Guidance
  6. Skill Enhancement Course
  7. Career Guidance &Counselling
  8. Google class room
  9. E-Content

Teaching Staff of Department

Sr.No. Faculty Name Designation Qualification Specialization Photograph View Profile
42 Mr. Jargar Owais assistant professor MSc Computer Science Profile
43 Mr. Patil R.R. assistant professor MSc Computer Science Profile