Hindustani Education Society’s

Afsar Nagar, Ujani Road, Ausa. Dist. Latur- 413520 (M.S.)

Accredited with B+ Grade (CGPA 2.73 in III Cycle) by NAAC

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.

Research Guides List

Sr.No. Name of Guide Subject Area of Specialization
1 Dr E. U. Masumdar Physics Thin Film Semiconductors, Nano-mateirals, Gas Sensors
2 Dr. A. V. Pathan Zoology Pathology
3 Dr. Sardarpasha A. K. Urdu Prose, Poetry and Criticism
4 Dr. N. I. Ansari Urdu Prose, Poetry and Criticism
5 Dr. M. A. Barote Physics Thin Film Semiconductors, Ferrite thin films, Nano-mateirals, Gas Sensors, Supercapacitors
6 Dr. N.K. Syed English Autobiography in Indian Writing in English
7 Dr. A.N. Shaikh English Prose, Poetry and Criticism, Indian Novels in English
8 Dr. P. B. Achole Geography Agricultural Geography
9 Dr. D.G. Bhoge Geography Geomorphology
10 Dr. S.K. Ladaf History Study of Historical Architecture
11 Dr. S.S. Korde Fishery Science Aquaculture
12 Dr. R. V. Suryawanshi Electronics Thin Film Semiconductors, Nano-mateirals, Gas Sensors,
13 Dr. S.B. Shaikh History Architecture and Historical Tourism
14 Dr. J.D. Salunke Sociology Social Problems