Hindustani Education Society’s

Afsar Nagar, Ujani Road, Ausa. Dist. Latur- 413520 (M.S.)

Accredited with B+ Grade (CGPA 2.73 in III Cycle) by NAAC

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.


Hon.  Dr. Manohar Chaskar, Vice Chancellor SRTMU, Nanded is felicitated by Principal Dr. Masumdar E.U.

Dr. Ingale B.D. felicitated by Principal Dr. Masumdar E.U. as he is awarded Ph.D

Mr Suryawanshi Balasaheb is felicitated by Dr. Shaikh Afsar Nawaboddin Secretary of Hindustani Education Society on his retirement day.

Felicitation of Mr. Nayyum Sonar a Non-Teaching staff on his return from UMRAH tour

Devika Sudhakar Birajdar Alumni of BSc 2020 is seen felicitated by Principal Dr Masumdar Sir as she is selected Assistant in Panchayat Samiti Umarkhed